Updating almost everyday and Xiaoqian still say I seldom update. >.<
I keep updating already you knowww.
But nothing much to post because my daily life is like the sameeee.
Updating about yesterday.
Let me recall. >.<
Had many lessons yesterday.
Couldn't remember anything.
Only remember yesterday had a lot of jokes in class.
Kept laughing.
After school got Mathematics Test from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
But the test kenna delayed. So release late also. >.<
Then reached Jurong Point at arnd 3pm++
Was late. >.<
Then went to redeem pizza.
The counter person say: "Okay. Wait for 15minutes. :D"
15minutes later: "Is my pizza done?"
Person: "Okay. Awhile more yea. (:"
30 minutes ~ 40 minutes later: "Okay. Your pizza is done."
Wait for sooo long. :x
Reached home arnd 4pm+
Then finished pizza with mum and sister.
Then watched tv and play computer because I kenna seduced by my laptop and tv. >.<
Was watching a small part of 'Criminal Minds' yesterday night.
The person is like biantai.
Keep killing people. -_-
Then end up very late then sleep.
Today morning couldn't wake up. But my dad more zai. He reached home at 2am+ yesterday from work and slept at 3am+ But he still can wake at 6am to send us to school and go work.
One day will die of fatigue. Confirm one. Recently keep very late go home because of work.
Wanted to sleep in school today morning. But its like very difficult to get a good position to sleep because I was sitting on the parade ground.
Then after that Wenhui came to school. Then we chit-chat awhile.
Then I told her: "Your physics today got test right?"
Wenhui said: "Nope. Tomorrow."
Then later Fuiyu go ask her physics teacher. Then is today got physics test.
Wenhui was like: "Shit. I didn't study."
Then later end up Physics Teacher postpone the test.
And our Biology teacher today never come.
Shiok. :D
And I ended up finishing all the homework I owe the teacher then chit-chat with others.
Going to KFC after Fatimah finish fasting with Liying, WeiLin, PeiLing, Yanmei and Fatimah. (:
PeiLing to making a scarf during Biology lesson.
Like so nice onlyyyy. But idk how do. Want to learn last time. But my mum say I will end up wasting the threads because I confirm will make spoil because I learn things very slow de. ._.
My mum like so mean onlyyyy.
Maths lesson was boring. Copying whatever teacher showed. Didn't go into my brain at all.
Very tired. -_-
DnT was sorta fun. Asked Benedict to help me drill the hole then I go lacquer the wood.
Next lesson then paste the acrylic. But I'm like doing so slowly because lacquer the wood need quite a number of layers.
Then recess went down to canteen.
Wanted to stay in class to chiong homework.
But since Mr Su made announcement during morning, he confirm will go patrol.
So went down to canteen le lor.
Then after recess was English.
Miss Zurainah was late for 1 period. XD
Then the boys was like playing paper aeroplanes.
Totally childish onlyyyy. -_-
Today Social Studies lesson was like ....
Teacher suddenly call my name to answer question again. -_-
Did I fail my test so terribly that teacher can remember my name. >.<
I was like nervous dao I forget what's the answer then need to re-read again..
Then teacher forgot what was the question that he asked me. -.-
After Social Studies was CCE 2.
Had Sexuality Eduction Programme.. Totally like boring onlyyy.
Not fun one.
Only Danish the part where he had to stand on the table blindfolded to answer questions. Haha.
Wenhui wanted to stay back after school today to do noticeboard.
But then end up let Iskandar do. Then we don't need do. Hehe.
Then walked to bus stop to take bus with Wenhui.
Wenhui kept thinking what she wanted to do when she go home. Her STM getting worser. But mine still worser than hers. >.<
Dk she remember alr or not.
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