Pictures all not in order. :B
So I upload a lot of other different pictures. :P
Hmm. I think this one is taken during her dance.
Makeup very nice horrr. :B
But is fringeless. So she's going to scold me when she see this. >.<
Ahahaha. Idc. Below still got a lot of her pictures with fringe. :B
So cannot complain.

Idk when she took this. Didn't notice.
But her attire very nice sia. I like the glove thing that she wore on her hand.
Wanted to buy but mum say Singapore so hot, still wear that glove on hand, later super warm.
#justsaying - if wear later chaodah then funny. LOL

This picture seriously brighttt.
*squints eyes*
But the picture is still very nicee yeaaaa. :B

One of her zilian picture before she went out.
Dk where she went but I think shld be go out with her friends. :B
Wearing contacts. Can't exactly see the karer. >.<

This should be the one that she went to Sushi to celebrate her Bro's birthday.(?)
Braided her hair.
She's going to kill me when she see this. Hehe.
But anyway, I tried something with my hair.
After bathing, I braided my hair for a few hours while my hair is still damp.
After removing the braids, I combed my hair and my hair is like a bit curl kind.
BUT! It looks NICE!

Hah. One of my favorite picture of her fringeless pictures. Hehe.
Should be from the dance one alsooo. Dk..
Wearing a braided hairband.(?)
Seriously nice also lorr!
Saw before, but my hair is like wear for fun only. -.-

Dk when she took the picture.
But edit dao not bad also. :D
Background quite nice. Like only she stand out. :$

This picture will hit the Newspaper Headline.

Took this when I went out with her I think.
Don't exactly remember. >.<
Hah. She like lesbo!

Hah. Taken by me I think.
But I didn't take much pictures because my hair is like very NOT NICE!

One of the picture that she took when she was on the cruise.
Super windy night and this was proof that it was very windy. :B
But idk why her hair is like wet wet one. Maybe rain?

HAHA. One of my "creations"
Her closed up picture when she was pekchek on the phone. Hehe.
She see dao super ._.

Haha. Her act cute picture.

A lot of her zilian picture. Can't possibly describe every picture yeaaa. :D
Took with her sweet. LOL.

Took this in the toliet.
I wonder why girls like to take picture in the toliets. LOL.
I found out that I take picture of myself from the mirror is like more nicer lor!
I hate the mole on my face. I wanna remove it!

Took this at Lot 1 after watching movie with Zona I think.
Couldn't finish the potato chips.
And she still wanted me to help her take picture of her throwing away the potato chips. Ahaha.


Haha. Zona with moustache.

Took with Zona in the toliet.
Fringe like covering my eye.
Because its too long and idw pin up.
Planning to cute short and rebond at end of year.
Motive is just to rebond only. :B

Took this at my home via my webcam.
She tried to make a tutorial with my webcam because she didn't have a webcam.
I don't mind because having her over not bad also. :B
Can crap a lot and camwhore. Hehe.

Only a few pictures took with her with flash my hair and eyes still not baddd. :S
Only few pictures my eyes can still open. >.<
Because the flash sometimes is like seriously too BRIGHT.

Zona zilian picture at idk why.
Downloaded from her Facebook. :B

Took this while waiting for the MRT.
Dk where we go.
Or is it whether we go out?
At purple line. Like seriously far onlyyy.

Cannot take the flash.
Ended up head down. Haha.

DAISO I think.
Went with Maegy and Zona if I never remember wrongly.

She showing off her sexy legs. :$

Like so cute only righttttt. :B

Dedicated to Zona.
Ended up haven't sleep just to dedicate a post. Like so kind onlyyy.
LOL!!! I WAS JUST KIDDING END UP YOU REALLY POST WTF.............. x.x But Xiaoqian got one question need ask you uh................... YOU STALK ME IZIT?!?! XP HAHAHAHAHAHA :B
Ohyah! And I also got a mole on my face which I have been thinking quite some times about removing it already!! >.<
And and and, POST ALL THE PICS TAKEN AT YOUR HOUSE!!! That time cannot send remember~ T_T
I nothing to do then post lo. :B
I never stalk you okayyyy. THICK SKINNED.
I want to remove the mole, but idk how alsooo. >.<
And hor, the pictures last time take at my house one hor, is either posted on Facebook already or kenna erased le.. Cause laptop kenna virus, everything on computer kenna erased. >.<
Can you like don't fucking copy my blog Post title style? and my omg i agree reaction? Don't you have originality? It's called stealing. -.- Delete my comments if you think what i said is untrue, but you yourself know how dog you are.
If you really think that she's a dog, then why are you still here? Oh, so you're trying to imply that you're reading a doggy's text? :S WOW, MEANS YOU ALSO A DOG WHO KNOWS HOW TO READ DOGGY TEXT???!!! *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
Uh... Anyways, if you dont like her so much, why still bother coming to her blog? WHO FORCE YOU UH??? :O And please stop talking about originality sai can?! If everyone is original, then there must be like fucking billions of different kind of people which must NOT HAVE ANY SINGLE SHIT that is the same?? WTF. -_-
And fyi, its my blog. And what skin I use for my blog is like my taiji also.
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