Not trying to be bhb!
But I think the picture I edited quite nice also. :D
Got 'HerLastWishe-s' by my bestbestfriend!
Help me to create the tumblr link. :D
Okay. Haven't been updating for a long time I guess.
Supposedly to be studying.
But not in the mood.
Already in the exam week yet not in the exam mood. >.<
Trying to study, but nothing goes in.
Think I'm going to fail SS, didn't complete.
English Paper 1 may fail because I sort of got off the topic.
Goodluck for your papers!
To the person who commented:
Are you trying to tell me how bimbo you are? Um. I don't mind you telling me how bimbo you are but no point telling to me yea. ;) Might as well spread till google. Or if you want, put on pornographic sites yea, slut. :D
Curious. Why u nv delete old blog? :o
Um. Don't see the need ba. Just leave it there to remember what I have been through. Cause I easily forget a lot of things. x_x
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