Celebrated my Awesome FIFTEEN with SLEM! ♥♥
Hahahah. SLEM Picture after edited. :D
Awwww.. I ♥ SLEM ttm!

This was before edit. >_<
Spammed photos in the toilet.
As USUAL! Heheh. ♥

Hut's Platter~
Bought the same Curry Baked Rice thing with WanLing.

Went to take neoprints with SLEM!
One of the pen broke and couldn't use.
SERIOUSLY MAN! $^&$%@#%^$
We should have took it according to our SLEM! :/
Nevermind. Let's do it again next time. ♥
Kyaaaaa~ I love every picture! All of them so chiooooo. :x
I seriously ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ every picture!!
Everyone seriously chio seh!
Hearto! ♥
The little rabbit Sheryl, as usual. :x
Gahhhhh~ Kawaii~~
Sho cute eh! :D
This time round, no baby ribbon for Maegy. Tsktsk.
Cause she keep complaining. Grrrr!
Shall give her baby ribbon next time!
Erra the little kitten~ ♥
♥ Editing in progress~
Erra & Maegy looking at what eh?
*ahem ahem*
Heheh. Both admiring the neoprints. :B
Hahah. Clique photos SPAM! ♥
Whatthehell is Maegy doing? Looks so freaking scaryyyyy. >_<
Mcm demon onlyyy. Hahah.
My face looks so fat!
Must slim down the fats. >_<
My hair looks weird too. Grrrr!
Eheheh. Erra's unglam picture on the MRT.
Photographer: Maegy Lim Hui Ler
*claps claps*

Hmph. They tried to spam a picture of me. But.... FAILED!
Its not so easy to snap a picture of me yeahhh. ♥

While waiting for the MRT~
Where is Maegy looking at? O_O
Boyfriend? :DD

Where the hell is Maegy looking at again? :/
Maegy ah Maegy! PLEASE look at the camera next time can?!?!?!?
Don't so distracted okeh!
You are taking a picture with my Laogong! ♥

Hahah. Taken by Erra while waiting for the food to be served.
Had lunch at Pizzahut with SLEM!
Totally enjoyed the food.
Birthday Girl treat. :D

Erra had difficulties eating the olive in the spaghetti. :x
She actually put aside all olive but Wanling pushed everything back into her spaghetti!
Erra's epic face in trying to eat the olive. :B

Maegy's spaghetti. Dk what it is called. :/
Shall try it next time, tastes not bad. :D

Erra considering whether to eat the olive ornot. Heheh.
Goodluck Erra! Learn to eat olive. Eheheh.

Awwwww~ My favourite plate of food!
Because it looks too gross, so didn't bother to take a picture.
Didn't actually finished that plate of rice too!
Too spicy and gross. :x
WanLing didn't finished much also. At least I finished half the plate of rice. :D
So proud of myselffff. xD
Spent $70+ eating. :D
My face looks so fattt!! >_<
Next time only can smile liddat!


Maegy forced to squat down because she was way too tall and was BLOCKING MY FACE!
Or maybe just shrink in height yeahhh. :D
Or stop growing! Let me grow taller!

Heheheh. Me zilian with Laogong. ♥

My face looks so FREAKING UNGLAM MAN!!
Totally CANDID!

Maegy got shot by Laogong!
Ehhh! Don't call police eh! Hahah!
See my laogong sho cute righttt!

My face looks so fat again! >_<

♥ Haato & Co.
Seems tasty ehhh. But it was too expensive. :/
So didn't buy it. Tsk.

Only Wanling eat. Heheh.
Then later we went to eat Champagne Grape Snow Ice.
Tastes not bad alsooo. :B