Hello, my dear readers~!
I'm finally back for updating~! Haven't been updating for quite a long time, I know right.
Been busy working. Tired. >_<
As seen from the title~ SANDCASTLES FTW!!!
Sandcastles are AWESOME~!
Went with my mum, baby sister & aunt!
Had fun building castles although it was kind of fail.

Awwww. Isn't she cuteee? :P

Hahah. This is the sandcastle I built.
Kind of not very well-balanced. Some dry, some wet.
Try harder next time, Lynnette~!

The sandcastle my baby sister built is on the left side of the picture.
Her sandcastle is much better~!
Shall make her my shifu~! :D

My little green bodyguard fish guarding my sandcastle~!

See, see.
Cute? :D

My baby sister was so concentrated in building sandcastles. :D

Do look out for my next post. I'm waiting for Zona to be back so I can update pictures already. :/
She is like taking forever.
So do look out for my next post~!
Goodbye now~!
Side note for Liying & Suqin: My jubeat dropped by one whole level. Can die, I know.